
Invester sammen

eToro Affiliate / Partnerprogram

About the program:

- It's NOT allowed to promote the cryto product at the moment. 

- If you want to deep link to another landing page or another Etoro product, ask your partner manager.



Please also read the following:


  • eToro dosn't allow promotions on casino, gambling, money making content, coupons sites!
  • Content of email and instagram stories have to be approved prior to promotion!


The commission is paid once the consumer has deposited the minimum of 100$ and the moment the consumer makes his first trade.


Comission Fees for Real Stock Trading

On August 11th, 2024, we will be introducing commission fees on REAL stocks for users from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

As of August 11th, the commissions will be a flat fee charged (in $) per trade:

AU stock exchange, HK stock exchange: 2$


All other exchanges: 1$ 


  • Duplicates are deleted backwards
  • ​Contact info must be correct
  • Texts and banners must be provided or approved by Adtraction by writing.
  • The way the traffic is sent to the landing pages must comply with current marketing rules

Additional restrictions:

  • Only target individuals over the age of 18​
  • Regulatory demands can change often and with no prior notice. When this occurs, all promotional materials need to be updated immediately. 

If you want to make any changes to eToro promotional materials on your site, you must let us know at

About Etoro:
eToro is the world’s leading social investment community that allows people to grow their knowledge and financial experience.

Stocks, Crypto, and beyond - 
Discover thousands of assets across multiple categories

Why eToro?
More than a decade ago, eToro set out to open financial markets to everyone, and today more than 20 million registered users have simple, affordable access to stock investment.

The eToro platform is regulated by the FCA, ASIC and CySec, and your funds are protected by industry-leading security protocols and we will never share your private data without your permission.

Bliv partner hos eToro

  1. Tilmeld dig som bruger hos vores partnernetværk Adtraction.

  2. Ansøg om at blive en del af vores program. Læs venligst vores regler - før du ansøger - for at sikre, at du matcher vores retningslinjer.

  3. Herefter vil vi gennemse din kanal og besvare din ansøgning.

  4. Når du er godkendt, kan du tilføje vores links eller bannere til din kanal og begynde at promovere os.

Oftest stillede spørgsmål

Hvordan fungerer det?

Hvis du har din egen hjemmeside, blog eller en social kanal, så kan du skabe salg for os via dine kanaler og optjene kommission. Det er gratis og uforpligtende at komme i gang.

Hvordan optjener jeg kommission?

Du skal benytte din kanal til at sende trafik til os ved brug af dit unikke link, som du finder ved at logge ind her på siden. Når dine besøgende konverterer hos os, så tjener du kommission. Kort fortalt: Jo flere kunder, du skaber for os, desto mere vil du tjene.

Kan jeg blive partner med jer?

Tilmeld dig hos Adtraction og læs vores programbeskrivelse for at se alle regler, informationer og mere. Så kan du se, om du kvalificerer dig til at blive vores nye partner.

Hvordan tilmelder jeg mig partnerprogrammet?

Du kan nemt tilmelde dig vores partnerprogram ved at følge de fire trinene ovenfor.