La Redoute Programma Partner

Casa, Moda e Lifestyle

La Redoute IT Programma Affiliati / Partner

Benvenuti nel programma partner La Redoute IT

Descrizione del programma

La Redoute è il leader francese dell'e-commerce per la casa e la moda. La Redoute è un'azienda senza tempo, una storia transgenerazionale, basata sulla creazione e sull'innovazione, storico marchio francese presente sul mercato da 180 anni e parte del gruppo Galeries Lafayette.

L’obiettivo di La Redoute Italy è quello di portare attraverso la sua vasta offerta di arredamento per la casa/biancheria e abbigliamento, un tocco di lifestyle francese nelle case degli italiani. Attraverso i suoi brand La Redoute Interieurs e AmPm, linea premium, La Redoute vuole diventare "top of mind" dei clienti italiani quando pensano ad un arredamento di design di alta qualità a prezzi accessibili.

Perché lavorare con La Redoute?

  • +32.000 prodotti a catalogo (biancheria, arredamento, giardino, outdoor, complementi d'arredo, materassi e articoli per il letto, moda uomo, donna, bambini, neonati, ragazzi, sport)
  • Prodotti di qualità, esclusivi e di tendenza
  • Spedizione gratuita su ordini superiori a 49€ 
  • Codici sconto esclusivi
  • AOV: 160€
  • Feed prodotti

Commissione attraente:

  • Casa 7% CPS  
  • Abbigliamento 9% CPS

Cookie post click: 30 giorni 

Unisciti al programma partner e incrementa i tuoi guadagni promuovendo La Redoute IT



Il non rispetto delle regole del programma comporterà l’annullamento delle commissioni generate. 

Codici sconto: Non è consentito utilizzare codici sconto diversi da quelli presenti in piattaforma Adtraction.

SEM: Non è consentita l'attività SEM.

Email: L'attività Email deve sempre essere approvata da Adtraction inviando preview a

Google Shopping / CSS: Le attività su Google Shopping o CSS devono sempre essere approvate da Adtraction.


Welcome to the La Redoute partner program IT

Program description

La Redoute is the French leader in e-commerce for home and fashion. La Redoute is a timeless company, a transgenerational story based on creation and innovation, a historic French brand that has been on the market for 180 years and is part of the Galeries Lafayette group.

La Redoute Italy's aim is to bring a touch of French lifestyle into the homes of Italians through its wide range of home furnishings/linens and clothing. Through its brands La Redoute Interieurs and AmPm, a premium line, La Redoute wants to become "top of mind" for Italian customers when they think of high-quality designer furniture at affordable prices.

Why work with La Redoute?

  • +32.000 catalogue products (furnishing, garden, outdoor, furnishing accessories, mattresses and bedding articles, fashion for men, women, children, babies, kids, sport)
  • Quality, exclusive and trendy products
  • Free shipping on orders over €49
  • Exclusive discount codes
  • AOV: 160€
  • Product feeds

Attractive commission:

  • Home 7% CPS 
  • Fashion 9% CPS

Cookie post click: 30 days 

Join the partner program and increase your earnings by promoting La Redoute IT


Non-compliance with the program rules will result in the cancellation of commissions generated. 

Coupons: It is not permitted to use discount codes other than those on the Adtraction platform.
SEM: SEM activity is not permitted
Email: Email activity must always be approved by Adtraction by sending a preview to

Google Shopping / CSS: Activities on Google Shopping or CSS must always be approved by Adtraction.

Join La Redoute IT Affiliate Program

  1. Register an account at Adtraction.

  2. Choose the La Redoute IT partner program and apply to join our programme. First check the program description to make sure you match the qualifying criteria.

  3. We will then review your site for approval.

  4. Once approved, you can start adding our banners or links to your site and start promoting.

Frequently asked questions

How does the partner program work?

If you have a website, blog or social media page you can share our products or services with your audience and earn money on qualifying purchases. This is simple to do and free of charge to join.

How do I earn commission?

All you have to do is direct users from your website, blog or social media page to our website using the links that we provide. When your users purchase a product or service from us, you earn money. Simply put: the more purchases made on our site by your users, the more money you will earn!

How do I qualify for the partner program?

Sign up with Adtraction and refer to the program description for more information about what type of partners qualify for our programme.

How do I sign up to the partner program?

It’s easy to join our partner programme. Simply follow the four steps above.