Our features
Chrome extension
Our Google Chrome extension enables you to get tracking links directly from the website of an advertiser. The plugin allows you to join programs, generate deep links and shorten tracking links, review current campaigns and search for products – all directly in your browser.
The Chrome Plugin is available from the Chrome store and can be downloaded here.
Mobile app
Download our app for quick and easy access to real-time statistics, new advertisers and campaigns. The app provides statistics for custom time periods, lets you review and apply to new partner programs, review transactions, campaigns and payments. You can further retrieve tracking links to advertisers you are approved for, and chat with our friendly support if you encounter any problems.
Find it at the App Store and Google Play.
Product browser
Easily discover products from all Adtraction advertisers with the built-in Product browser in our system. The tool provides a selection of filters that can be used to sort the products and refine the search. If you want to promote sneakers from a range of advertisers, you can simply search for “sneakers” and be provided with a list of the different sneakers sold by Adtraction's advertisers.
The Product browser is available for all partners in the Tools menu in Adtraction accounts.
A broad selection of brands
We are proud to provide a broad range of advertisers. Find an overview below of the different programs and the terms offered.
Partner with leading brands and start earning commissions
- Create a free account.
- Choose which brands you want to work with and apply for their program. Program applications are usually processed within 24 hours.
- Link to advertisers from your channel.
- Receive commission when users click your links and purchase from the advertiser.
Global brands
Adtraction works with a broad range of brands across retail, beauty, fitness, financial services and more. Our platform lets you easily discover and connect with brands that match your audience.
Be discovered
Hundreds of high quality brands are using Adtraction’s platform to look for content creators like yourself. Our user-friendly platform lets you establish long-lasting partnerships that can help grow your channel.
Personal contact
When joining Adtraction as an influencer, you get direct access to our influencer support team. Your contact always makes sure that you receive the highest commissions possible for converting traffic.